Pecs on fire

I do this pec workout about once a week, in addition to shoulders and bi/tri workouts. It's great for building strength and toning those under arms. Reps and sets in parentheses. (sets x reps per set). I have built my weight up to be around 10-12 lbs. depending on the exercise. When I started I was in the 5-8 lbs. range. It really just depends on your body, but I recommend writing your weights down every time so you can see your progress and how strong you're getting! 

1) Bench press (12, 10, 8)

2) Push Ups (15) 

Tip: These are so important for this workout. Do not skip! They're hard to do after the other exercises, but these push ups are what really make the difference!

3) Incline bench (12, 10, 8)

4) Push Ups (15) 

5) Bench Fly (3x10) 

6) Push Ups (15)

7) Lateral raises, in front (3x10)

8) Decline bench (3x10) 

Disclaimer: I am not a personal trainer. These are workouts Jake and I crafted from other workouts we've done or ideas from workout books. Use at your own risk and consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. 


FitCami Fannin